Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Apathy carts - Apathy D-2-D
by Zoos ini think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
Coded Logic
I remember not wanting to be the person knocking if I suspected someone was home. And if someone was out raking their yard or tinkering in their garage we would mostly skip those too because the people were "busy". -
One possibility…?
by careful intornintwo's recent topic spurred me finally to post an idea i've been thinking about.
i don't see the gb as being financially greedy.
yes, they enjoy numerous perks like having their physical needs met by servants, jetting around the planet, living in a greater degree of comfort than fellow bethelites, getting frequent and sometimes expensive gifts from the r&f, etc.
Coded Logic
I quite agree with the sentiment of this thread. While the GB are a million miles from humility - the one thing they are NOT is wealthy. They have nice accommodations and are well taken care of but they aren't burning through cash on themselves. They don't have private jets they fly around on, mansions they live in, or super expensive restaurants at which they eat.
Pinky rings and apple watches certainly don't send the right signal when they're telling children to give up their ice cream money. But those are middle class/upper middle class items. Not the hallmarks of millionaires fleecing the flock like some mega Pastors.
I think it's just a case that they made bad decisions combined with the fact it's hard times for organized religion. Not to mention that they ended up having to redo a lot or work at Warwick which has probably sent them soaring WAY over budget. I wouldn't be surprised if a considerable portion of that 700 million got burned tearing out their bad work, hiring actual contractors to redo the work, and a series of smaller projects they didn't initially intend to do (being able to drain the lake at the push of a button - seriously?)
You know the Desert God's Modus Operandi: Spare no expense!
Solomon built the temple and completed it. 15 He lined its interior walls with cedar boards, paneling them from the floor of the temple to the ceiling,and covered the floor of the temple with planks of juniper. 16 He partitioned off twenty cubits at the rear of the temple with cedar boards from floor to ceiling to form within the temple an inner sanctuary, the Most Holy Place.17 The main hall in front of this room was forty cubits[i] long. 18 The inside of the temple was cedar, carved with gourds and open flowers. Everything was cedar; no stone was to be seen.
19 He prepared the inner sanctuary within the temple to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord there. 20 The inner sanctuary was twenty cubits long, twenty wide and twenty high. He overlaid the inside with pure gold, and he also overlaid the altar of cedar. 21 Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure gold, and he extended gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary, which was overlaid with gold. 22 So he overlaid the whole interior with gold. He also overlaid with gold the altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary. -
by brandnew injust wanna thankfull for y'all....n stuff
Coded Logic
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's a good tactic for stopping any potential family fights at the table :)
Does this sound like a man who is inspired by God?
by Coded Logic inabsolutely disgusting!.
Coded Logic
I agree MuddyWaters, when I came across this I was seriously floored - every time I think the WT can't say or do anything more stupid they never fail to disappoint.
I should also note that larger cranial capacity doesn't necessarily correlate to higher levels of intelligence. This is because neural density and plasticity - not brain size - are the most important factors. For example, Neanderthals had an average cranial capacity of 1600 cm(3) much larger than modern humans who only come in around 1400 cm(3).
Does this sound like a man who is inspired by God?
by Coded Logic inabsolutely disgusting!.
Coded Logic
Absolutely disgusting!
Newly released 911 photos
by purplesofa in(cnn) -- newly released photographs show what a damaged world trade center tower and its collapse looked like from a new york police department helicopter as it flew nearby on september 11, 2001, in new york.. the aerial photos were obtained by abc news after it filed a freedom of information act request last year with the national institute of standards and technology, which had collected the images for its investigation into the towers' collapse.. a couple of the images show one of the twin towers burning after a hijacked airplane had flown into it.
others show it collapsing, and the rest show the clouds of debris and dust spreading below after the towers crumbled.. each of the 12 images offers a rare look at what the devastation looked like from above.. .
Coded Logic
Wow! Looks almost like a pyroclastic flow! I hadn't realized the dust cloud had swept through that much of NY. Nor that it was taller than some sky scrapers. -
Decrease of numbers in Jehovah's Witnesses via Deaths, DFings, or Turning Inactive
by flipper inso i'm sure a good number of us saw the chart that i believe the poster splash put on another thread of figures since 1990 regarding how many baptized and % of increase each year .
i started analyzing it ( and i know some referred to it briefly on the other thread ) and guessing of reasons the % of increase didn't match the number of newly baptized.
and of course common sense tells us that either jw's leave the cult each year through death, fading into inactivity, or getting dfed.
Coded Logic
I'm sorry but these numbers are entirely fallacious. You CANNOT get the number of people leaving simply by subtracting the number of baptisms by the number of publishers.
Why? Because baptised people are ALREADY counted as publishers. The number of people baptised says nothing about the number of new publishers. We would have to know the number of new publishers and then subtract that by the total number of publishers to figure out how many people are leaving. But we simply don't have those numbers.
For example, imagine if there were a year where a 100,000 people were baptised and not a single person left. What kind of growth in publishers would we expect to see?
Well, the answer is we wouldn't know. Because zero people could become new publishers and the number of people baptized could still be positive.
Is it true that they decided not to build Walkill Recreation center and then buried the foundation?
by Indian Larry ini saw this on ex jw reddit:"this may not be news to you but it was to me.
forgive me if this has already been posted before.
it came from a reliable source working on the warwick project.. wallkill bethel had broken ground and laid the foundation for a new recreation building.
Coded Logic
OMG they're so duplicitous! They brag about finishing ahead of schedule but it's only because they've not built whole buildings! They just have to spin everything! -
New Generation Understanding gives further reasons not to watch Star Trek reruns
by pirata inthe new light on the generation gives us even further reason not to watch star trek re-runs.. the title "star trek - the next generation" misleads people about the real meaning of what is meant by a "generation".. evidently the lives of starfleet officers who served aboard uss enterprise ncc-1701 would overlap with those who served aboard the uss enterprise ncc-1701-d. since spock and mccoy's life overlapped with picard's, they were contemporaries, and thus of the same generation.. if the producers of the show were truly sincere in advocating the truth, they would have titled the show "star trek - the contemporary overlapping generation continued".. my dear brothers and sisters: let us be resolved never to be deceived the by the deceptive entertainment of this world!.
[ applause ].
Coded Logic
Yeah, it shouldn't be Star Trek: The Next Generation.
It should be Star Trek: The Same Generation!
Coded Logic
In regards to:
Intellectual Honesty
. . . ?